Shy bird
Arise o, gardener ! Create the glory of a new spring ! Make flowers boom and Bulbuls sing -create such haunts ! — Mahjoor ( Poet )
Bil bichur (Kashmiri word for bulbul) is a popular bird seen in Kashmir on Chinar trees. The bird is a symbol of happiness and spring blossom.
A pictorial story of a red vented Bulbul from my photo wallet .Their typical acoustic communication include roosting, begging, greeting, flight and two kinds of alert calls. Bulbuls are very shy in nature. You go near them ,they will disperse in blink of your eye. They are more often heard than seen.
If you are a photographer, you need at least a 300 mm lens mounted on your camera to capture them in desired postures and expressions of their chores. Their nests are relatively at lower heights and quite visible than other bird nests . The nests are neat and soft ,usually made out of rags and wastes built with a fine art work into a bowl shaped cotton like material.